ComWorth Participated SharkFest '19 US as First Time Sponsor

SharkFest’19 US, at UC Berkeley, was populated by 300 Wireshark enthusiasts from over 20 countries and was a great success in educating and inspire the assembled Wireshark community thanks to the core developers, instructors, sponsors, volunteers, staff, and generous knowledge-sharing by attendees.
20 Jun 2019, ComWorth was one of the Angel Shark Sponsor to SharkFest ’19 US conference held on the 10th – 13th Jun 2019 at UC Berkeley, USA. ComWorth shows presence throughout the conference, at the Krutch Auditorium and the scenic Lawrence Hall of Science Reception, with the latest 100G packet capture appliance as well as traffic analyzer.

We are amazed by the audience who are all well versed packet experts / analysts / instructors. It’s definitely good to hear from the crowd that the displayed 100G packet capture with 200TB storage portable appliance does caught their attention. For more information of the portable capture system, click here.
With this conference, we demonstrate on-site to the visitors about our pre-release of traffic analyzer, SwiftWing Tramir Analyzer. Tramir is a deep-packet-inspection engine that complements with Sirius NDR packet capture appliance, where Tramir provides visualization of network traffic conditions in graphs format and able to extract packets from Sirius NDR packet store. For more information of Tramir analyzer, click here.

All in all, ComWorth have a good experience in participating the conference with great visitors engagement and hopefully be able to forge long term partnership from the North America.