Line-rate network traffic capture and storage with real-time network data extraction
SwiftWing’s SIRIUS provides maximum packet capture performance in a neutral file format that meets clients’ demands for a plain network recording and capture archiving. With large amount of network data, SIRIUS is capable of performing packet indexing that eases filtration process.

Lossless Packet Capture
True line rate packet capture appliance sustaining up to 40Gbps network traffic capture to disk, without dropping single packet.

Nanosecond Precision Timestamp
Accurately stamp each packet at nanosecond precision, allowing precise network traffic reconstruction at critical incident.

Hardware Packet Filter
Selectively discard un-wanted packets on the fly without sacrificing host resources, desirably store useful and meaningful data to storage.

High Speed Data Retrieval
Real-time raw data download, as well as real-time data refinery based on traffic’s metadata to provide complete set of pre-processed data for post analysis.

Secured RAID Storage
High performing storage ensures no packet is loss at intensive network conditions. Redundant RAID setup ensures data stays safe and readily available.

Capture Continuity
Network traffic can be captured 24/7 without stopping, and even once stopped, it can be resumed and continued capturing without performance degradation.