Traemon DPI · Dedicated Network Traffic Visualizer and Analyzer
Complement with SIRIUS packet capture and storage technology, Traemon impressed the audience with real-time analytical results out of the box, complete the network puzzle in an elegant manner.
Service Usage Analysis
Provides an overview of between the network traffic throughput and the number of active connection count, and further differentiated by different service protocols.
Transmission Quality
Quickly drill down to which could be the potential network traffic congestion root cause, as well as which nodes suffers transmission loss in terms of packet.
HTTP Monitoring
Identify the average turn-around-time a.k.a. TAT among different HTTP methods or request host for better network profiling management.
Graphs your network with Traemon, analyse it.
- Visualize network traffic by graph and analysis on real-time by providing effective and easy detection of fraudulent access, fault isolation and anomaly.
- TCP/UDP flow analysis feature enables advanced analysis such as service usage and anomaly detection by analyzing HTTP response time and measuring the HTTP meta-data.
Advanced Deep Packet Inspection
Traemon provides more than 60 kinds of graphs to visualize the network conditions.
- Transferred Traffic by Service
- TCP Connection Quality
- TCP Transmission Quality
- HTTP TAT Analysis
- HTTP Meta Analysis
- IP Conversation Ranking
- HTTP 404 Response Count, etc